Tasty Food from Rattan, Juhu Singkah.

Juhu singkah (umbut rotan) is a typical food of the Dayak ethnic, Central Kalimantan which can be found in the City of Palangkaraya. Generally juhu singkah is known as uwut nang'e. The food made from young rattan is the way to process it first. Young rattan is cleaned, the skin is removed, then cut into small sizes. Juhu singkah is often cooked with baung fish and aubergine. Juhu singkah has a savory, sour, and bitter taste that mixes with the sweetness of fish meat, so that the juhu singkah has its own flavor.

For those who have never known or tried it will definitely feel strange, why is rattan cooked? We more often know that the rattan is made as a craft or something else and not cooked. But in the hands of the Dayak ethnic rattan can be a very tasty culinary.

So when you are in Central Kalimantan, especially in Palangkaraya, it seems that this one must be tried and guaranteed that you will get another sensation of culinary tourism than usual, the rattan that used to be a chair can also enter the stomach and it turns out it is also delicious. Try this recipe to making juhu singkah:


1kg young rattan
1 turmeric and laos
1 teaspoon of coriander
1 teaspoon of salt
2 cups thick coconut milk
2 cloves of garlic
3 bay leaves
6 cups of liquid coconut milk
6 red onion

How to make:

Rattan washed, cut into thin pieces, soaked in water, and drain. Boil the water, put all the spices that have been mashed (except bay leaves and laos), wait until cooked and soak. Juhu singkah (umbut rotan) is ready to served.




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